Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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You Have To Admit, It Would Explain a Lot…

Posted In SB

April 25th, 2003 • Comments Off on You Have To Admit, It Would Explain a Lot…

I think I’m getting old.
No, no, it’s true. Suddenly it seems like I’m a cranky, difficult-to-please grumpy jerk.
I suppose I first noticed it when the whole ‘Bottom’ fiasco was going on. But now… now, I find myself dissatisfied with the quality of a game. For ….

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Hey, YOU Left the Door Unlocked!

Posted In AC1

April 18th, 2003 • Comments Off on Hey, YOU Left the Door Unlocked!

I shouldn’t be left unattended.
I don’t know how many times I tell people this, but nobody listens to me.
“Don’t leave me alone!” I say. “Something’s going to explode!” I say. “I like to play with matches!” I say. But does anyone listen? Oh, no, they’re ….

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I’m a Product of My Upbringing

Posted In DAoC

April 16th, 2003 • Comments Off on I’m a Product of My Upbringing

I’m worse than Pavlov’s dog, honestly.
I’m like Daffy Duck in the one cartoon – where as soon as someone rings a bell, he goes nuts and begins swinging at everything near him? Only I get beat up a LOT more.
The problem is that I’m conditioned ….

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Talk About Ruling a Town With an Iron Fist… How About a DIAMOND Fist?

Posted In AC1

April 14th, 2003 • Comments Off on Talk About Ruling a Town With an Iron Fist… How About a DIAMOND Fist?

You give a monster a name, and the stupid thing rules a town.
And to make matters worse, the thing’s got a girly name – Susanne or something – not even a proper evil woman’s name, like Evillynne or Elvira or even Joan Rivers.
But I’m getting ….

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You’ll Catch More Flies With Logic…

Posted In DAoC

April 11th, 2003 • Comments Off on You’ll Catch More Flies With Logic…

Hrm. Apparently, you mooks are out of control.
See, Sanya recently cornered me. She said it was either talk to her about the name change, or she threatened to teleport me to the Mid capital city.
After the sixteenth time of me turning up at the bindstone ….

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Stepping Beyond the Norm, Here…

Posted In Random Musings

April 9th, 2003 • Comments Off on Stepping Beyond the Norm, Here…

See, if Mac hadn’t bragged about being good, then everyone wouldn’t be under the mistaken assumption that I am at least passably good. As in, I may have passed someone that was good once or twice in the hallway.
I feel bad for the folks at ….

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Shadowbane: Friend of Monsters Everywhere!

Posted In SB

April 7th, 2003 • Comments Off on Shadowbane: Friend of Monsters Everywhere!

I just don’t understand it.
I mean, unless you plan for failure – wouldn’t you sort of expect a lot of people to be in your game? And, I dunno, call me crazy – but wouldn’t you want to sort of support all those people in ….

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The Blame Game

Posted In SB

April 4th, 2003 • Comments Off on The Blame Game

Saying that thieves aren’t trusted is like saying that sometimes I die.
Now that I’ve finally gained level 10 and figured out where the heck I needed to go to get trained, I’m officially a thief.
The problem is, when you’re a thief, you’re instantly at fault ….

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Who’s Laughing Now, Bucko?

Posted In AC1

April 2nd, 2003 • Comments Off on Who’s Laughing Now, Bucko?

Ohhhhhhhh, nooooooooooo – don’t listen to ME!
How long have I been telling you all? How many times did I try and raise an army to protect our lands, only to lose the members to quests, portal storms, or really interesting-looking mountains that looked like someone’s ….

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Has Anyone in Aerynth Ever Heard of a CURVE?

Posted In SB

March 31st, 2003 • Comments Off on Has Anyone in Aerynth Ever Heard of a CURVE?

Apparently, the people at Ubi Soft are mathematicians of some sort. They subscribe to the theory that
A) The shortest distant between two points is a straight line
And, therefore, it logically follows that:
B) When a player clicks someplace they want to go, they ….

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