Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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Shakespeare, Pffft. How Many Oscars Has HE Ever Won?

Posted In DAoC

March 28th, 2003 • Comments Off on Shakespeare, Pffft. How Many Oscars Has HE Ever Won?

So for those of you just joining us, the highest character I’ve ever managed to level up in Dark Age of Camelot is Bottom, my 36th level Theurge. Yes, that’s pathetic, but we all know how bad I am at things, so lemme alone. Besides, ….

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Fate, Why Dost Thou Torment Me?

Posted In SB

March 26th, 2003 • Comments Off on Fate, Why Dost Thou Torment Me?

I understand that developers work very, very hard on games.
I get that.
I understand that people involved in the game company work very, very hard on games.
Got it.
However, it seems that there’s always some person or persons that are in charge of a vital, important, NECESSARY ….

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I THINK I Remember This Quest…

Posted In AC1

March 24th, 2003 • Comments Off on I THINK I Remember This Quest…

The problem is, I bragged to Ben-li Sung recently that I knew all about the Tikola’s Dagger quest.
Then I realized it had been something like a year since I last did it. For all I know now, you open the first door and ….

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Let’s Do This.

Posted In Random Musings

March 17th, 2003 • Comments Off on Let’s Do This.

Here we are again.
Man, I’m sitting here, writing, erasing, writing again, deleting, RE-writing…blah. I should be able to copy and paste a story from last year or the year before that! I know, I know, I’m being lazy. But it’s not just lazy. I’m actually ….

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WHY Did I Chose This Class Again?

Posted In DAoC

March 12th, 2003 • Comments Off on WHY Did I Chose This Class Again?

The problem with having an undead pet is that every other undead in the area instantly assumes you’re their buddy. I can’t walk by a cemetary without getting a bazillion tells and group invites.
Which leaves me wondering – who the heck is letting all these ….

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Yaaaay, Crotch-Shooting ‘Sploit!

Posted In NC

March 7th, 2003 • Comments Off on Yaaaay, Crotch-Shooting ‘Sploit!

Okay, I think we just need to come to terms with it: monsters are dumb.
Even semi-humanoid mutants are no rocket scientists. You’d think that having to survive in a world where you’re not sure where the cheese on the pizza stops and your melting face ….

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Talk About Dead-End Jobs…

Posted In DAoC

March 5th, 2003 • Comments Off on Talk About Dead-End Jobs…

I am a FIRM believer in Unions. I think Unions helped make life great for everyone. Nowadays they’ve got they’re share of fatcat, worthless, corrupt and idiotic goombahs, too, but hey – if our government can have them, why can’t everyone? It’s the ultimate in ….

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They Grow ‘Em Big ‘Round These Here Parts…

Posted In AC1

March 3rd, 2003 • Comments Off on They Grow ‘Em Big ‘Round These Here Parts…

Did you know there’s a new island to the East? And that statues aren’t locked anymore?
I didn’t.
I sign in tonite to harass Arlaine, only to find someone left the statue in Nanto unlocked! Mwuah-ha-ha-ha!
Arlaine tells you, “Hey hey! Where should I meet you?”You tell Arlaine, ….

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I’m Too Poor To Pay Attention!

Posted In DAoC

February 28th, 2003 • Comments Off on I’m Too Poor To Pay Attention!

We’re going to take the Center Keep.
The Center Keep, for those of you uninitiated, is the sole goal in the Battlegrounds in Dark Age of Camelot. Sure, there’s gank squads and bridge battles, and even some Portal Keep camping, I ashamedly admit. ….

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Fun With Poison Glands!

Posted In NC

February 26th, 2003 • Comments Off on Fun With Poison Glands!

So I’m having a lot more luck. It seems that having a friend that actually knows what the hell they’re doing makes a world of difference.
For example, my new buddy Cairn Eldwin informed me that it was NOT a good idea to try and stab ….

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