Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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Couldn’t You Just Wear A Hat?

Posted In SWG

August 27th, 2003 • Comments Off on Couldn’t You Just Wear A Hat?

Let’s just get one thing straight here, okay? They’re not hair, they’re not a funky hat, they’re not even colorful scarves.
They’re tentacles. On your head.
And unless you’re sleeping in the sunken city of R’lyeh, that’s just wrong. Very, very wrong.
Look, I’m not one to tell ….

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Could We Have a REAL Code of Conduct? Forcibly Implanted in People’s Heads?

Posted In AC1

August 25th, 2003 • Comments Off on Could We Have a REAL Code of Conduct? Forcibly Implanted in People’s Heads?

I would like to think that this is a whole new breed of people behaving in such a shameful manner.
The other night, I was running around Darktide with some old friends, really having a great time, and watching as they ambushed a gang of Bloods ….

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I’m All About Helping the Role Play!

Posted In DAoC

August 20th, 2003 • Comments Off on I’m All About Helping the Role Play!

This new RP-ing filter thing is a killer idea. I don’t know how simple it was to code, but I’m amazed nobody’s done it before. It allows someone who’s a terrible role-player (ie, me) to not so forcefully intrude upon people that are ….

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Go Flux Yerself

Posted In JG

August 18th, 2003 • Comments Off on Go Flux Yerself

Jumpgate is trying very hard to dislodge AC from my “Mostest Favoritest MOG Evah” slot. As if PuzzlePirates wasn’t enough.
The thing that really has me loving Jumpgate so much more than other space MOGs is the fact that you really do fly the ship. It’s ….

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Through Good Times, Through Blood Times…

Posted In AC1

August 15th, 2003 • Comments Off on Through Good Times, Through Blood Times…

So, Darktide.
It’s this place, right, where basically every other person’s mission is to make you miserable. And folks? When I say they are good at their job, I really mean it. Sincerely.
The great thing about playing on Darktide is that I’ve got 40% vitae, no-drop ….

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They Must Have Good Benefits…?

Posted In CoH-CoV

August 13th, 2003 • Comments Off on They Must Have Good Benefits…?

I’ll tell you right now: I’ve worked with some stupid people.
I’m not bragging or anything; I’m just telling you that there are people, sometimes called co-workers, that are pretty stupid. They’d do things like stick floppy discs to their filing cabinets.
With magnets.
And then they’d call ….

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What Makes A Cleric Tick (A Fuse, Maybe)?

Posted In DAoC

August 11th, 2003 • Comments Off on What Makes A Cleric Tick (A Fuse, Maybe)?

So at the start of the evening, I was all excited. See, I had THIS fantastic story to tell you about:

Yup. No photoshop trickery there – I really did kill him! He was a level 49 Shadowblade, down in DF ganking Albs. But ….

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Love Thy Neighbor. With A Big Stick.

Posted In DAoC

August 8th, 2003 • Comments Off on Love Thy Neighbor. With A Big Stick.

So there’s these occupiers. And they’re, you know, occupying the city. Avalon City, to be specific. The story goes that these guys moved in and killed the entire population or something. Or maybe they found it deserted. I don’t know, really. The fact is, they ….

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Where Do I Stand?

Posted In DAoC

August 6th, 2003 • Comments Off on Where Do I Stand?

So everyone knows about the Line of Death, right?
No, I’m not talking about any geo-political boundaries or any of that nonsense. I mean that line that you do not, not even if there are a bazillion Mids charging up behind you, go past in the ….

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A Chance for Mockery Goes Horribly Awry…

Posted In SWG

August 4th, 2003 • Comments Off on A Chance for Mockery Goes Horribly Awry…

Yes, I’ve done it. I’ve entered the world of Star Wars: Galaxies. Please, keep the comments about going to the “Dark Side” to yourself.
I read what Warchild had to say about it, and laughed appropriately at all the right times, guffawing at the ….

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