Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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No, I still don’t have the ACPL pics back

Posted In AC1

July 17th, 2002 • Comments Off on No, I still don’t have the ACPL pics back

I was GOING to play on Frostfell.
At the last minute, a sudden spasm overtook my finger, and I clicked “Darktide” instead.
I couldn’t help it. Honest. See, I really, really, REALLY love Darktide. Oh, don’t get me wrong; I like Frostfell; I like my allegiance ….

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My Trip To NJ (oh, and the ACPL I went to on the way…)

Posted In AC1

July 19th, 2002 • Comments Off on My Trip To NJ (oh, and the ACPL I went to on the way…)

Phew. Bet you thought I’d never get this up, huh? Let me start by saying if you want to skip a LOOOOONG and boring story, get to the pics here. Otherwise (you fool!)
Well, sorry, but I had bunches an bunches of stuff to ….

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I Can Fill In! Pick Me, Coach! ME!

Posted In AC1

July 28th, 2002 • Comments Off on I Can Fill In! Pick Me, Coach! ME!

So I’m talking with one of my IRC mates, Zkdog, and he tells me that in his HUGE monarchy, that’s SUPER HELPFUL to n00bs, there’s an opening because one of their key members, Hostile, hasn’t been playing much anymore. Well well well…far be it from ….

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Defending the Land!

Posted In AC1

August 12th, 2002 • Comments Off on Defending the Land!

So I’ve been trying to level up.
Yeah, that’s right, I’ve hit TWENTY-ONE and there’s NO signs of slowing, bucko! Why, in another week or two, I’ll probably bust RIGHT through the level cap!
But anyway, that’s not what I’m here to brag about. No, today’s bragging ….

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Finding Time for the IMPORTANT Stuff

Posted In AC1

August 14th, 2002 • Comments Off on Finding Time for the IMPORTANT Stuff

So Kwipette and I have been having a lot of discussions about time management lately. See, with the wedding closing in and all, there just seems to be more and more stuff to do. The breakdown of our duties thus far has gone something like ….

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JumpGate nothing, this is CRASHGate.

Posted In JG

September 5th, 2002 • Comments Off on JumpGate nothing, this is CRASHGate.

So. Some of you may or may not have heard about my latest obsession: JumpGate.
It’s basically this hyped-up version of Wing Commander : Privateer. In that you fly a ship, you can trade stuff, shoot stuff, mine stuff and crash into stuff.
Out of ….

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Where Death Goes When He’s Bored…

Posted In M59

September 11th, 2002 • Comments Off on Where Death Goes When He’s Bored…

Meridian 59 is old school. I mean like OOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDD school. Like “Bob Dole used to play this game as a teen on his abacus” old. The graphics are pretty rough – I think the only chip you’d need to run this thing is ….

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I Take It All Back

Posted In Random Musings

September 16th, 2002 • Comments Off on I Take It All Back

Yeah, remember all that whining I did about the stresses of weddings? Where I talked about how, if you are planning on getting married, I suggested you give yourself a break and elope?
Screw that noise.
For those of you that have not figured this out ….

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Gaming Together

Posted In Random Musings

October 23rd, 2002 • Comments Off on Gaming Together

Relationships come in all shapes and sizes. There are those loving, sharing and caring ones; those that make you get out of bed at 3 in the morning to get your loved one a glass of water because she is sick and that 20 feet ….

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Welcome… To Neopunkthunderdomecron

Posted In NC

February 12th, 2003 • Comments Off on Welcome… To Neopunkthunderdomecron

Welp, welcome to the fascinating new world of Neocron. A few men enter. One man leaves. Well, okay, not THIS one man. This one man’s busy getting his ass kicked by cockroaches. Yeah, you heard me: cockroaches. Actually, I should say COCKROACH. Singular. Like, ….

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